Hali Robin

The Missing Peace

Self-Discovery Through Storytelling

Welcome home! We're Hali and Robin, two friends who met in memoir writing classes years ago, and who continue to inspire each other throughout our memoir writing work. We hope you feel like kicking off your shoes, grabbing a cup of tea, and getting cozy in your favorite nook, as you journey through our site.

At The Missing Peace, you’ll reconnect with the human spirit in one of its oldest forms of expression - storytelling. Telling your story is as ancient as sitting around a crackling fire, yet it seems to be a dying habit. Gone are the days when we could sit with others while shelling peas, fishing, or breaking bread, and share our life experiences, our wisdom, our humanity. In our modern world, we have our yoga, meditation, and therapy, but it isn’t enough. We have our TV, smart phones, and iPads, yet we feel less connected to others than ever before. We wanted to create a place where you could fill what may be an otherwise missing “peace” in your life. We hope this can be a haven that provides as much self-discovery for you as it does for us. In a time of distance and silence, this is The Missing Peace.

On our website, you’ll find storytelling through our memoir "peaces", and our storytelling circles, workshops, and more. Our goal is to capture storytelling in its many forms in order to reconnect with an essential part of what it means to be human.

We hope that The Missing Peace brings you inspiration, connection, and an understanding that your story is an important "peace" in the fabric of humanity, and an integral part of what makes us tick.