The Frank Twist: When the Actress Doesn't Act

The Frank Twist:  When the Actress Doesn't Act

There’s a brilliant scene in The Sopranos where Tony is talking to Carmela on the phone.

“I had one of my Coach Molinaro dreams.” He says.

“Were you unprepared again?” She responds.

In these two lines, the audience knows that this is a recurring dream for Tony and he knows exactly what it means.

So, I had one of my Frank Dreams…and I know exactly what it means.

A Frank Dream is basically your classic “Actor’s Nightmare” but with a twist. So, not only is the actor faced with the reality that they’re about to perform in front of an audience and have no idea what the fuck their lines are, an event that soaks the dreamer with anxiety, terror, and frustration, but then throw in The Frank twist, which adds elements of severe disappointment that highlights excuses, exposes cover ups, and throws in a severe bullshit meter that leaves the dreamer to face the deep truths of their very being. It’s the moment when the mentor looks through the mentee with their magnifying glass and reads them like no one else can. 

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