The Missing Peace Summer Sale! Join Our Storytelling Circles & Workshops.


Exciting news! In celebration of Robin's birthday, our 6-session package is on sale! Since we're devoted to sharing the magical transformation of true storytelling, of speaking authentic truth, and of discovering who we truly are, we're keeping our prices low and as accessible to all as possible! With this package, you can attend any of our sessions - either storytelling circles or workshops - for less than $30 each! The sale ends on Monday, July 13, 2020. Click here for dates, details, and to register.

You may also purchase single session passes for a drop-in experience. Click here for more information. 

Save the date for our salon - a spoken-word event where you can hear nearly a dozen storytellers read their memoir pieces on Saturday, August 8, 2020. Want to read at our salon? Contact us!