Another Storytelling Circle Testimonial!

“What a wonderful experience The Missing Peace storytelling circle was. The three hours flew by. Council was perfect, and I felt safe to share. Hearing others read what they wrote after each prompt was inspiring. It allowed me to open up and expand. Robin and Hali are such generous and thoughtful guides. Their feedback was heartfelt and super useful. I was engrossed in their feedback to everyone’s pieces, and was able to use elements from there too. I left feeling energized to write more. I can’t wait to make another Missing Peace circle in 2024.” - Anand Patel, PhD, Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences

We're Back And We've Missed You!

We're Back And We've Missed You!

We're back! After a brief hiatus due to the Pandemic, a move back to Los Angeles for Robin, and ongoing graduate school for Hali, The Missing Peace has returned! And we can't wait to see you.

Our first offering of the year will be our virtual storytelling circle. We'll help you discover your story, learn more about yourself, and create poignant, meaningful pieces. Join us on Sunday, April 3rd from 12:00 - 3:00 PM PST for prompts, guidance, and connection. Space is limited, so sign up soon here.

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Break Out the Mothballs, It's Time to Get Dressed

Break Out the Mothballs, It's Time to Get Dressed

Well, it’s official…I can no longer get dressed. When the world opened back up in March, it meant that I would also be opening my closet back up. There would be no more rolling out of bed twenty minutes before I needed to teach my students. No more wearing sweats, or shorts, or not having to worry about the clashing of color combinations. Shoes would now be a thing. Pre-pandemic, I prided myself on coordinating my shoes with the color of my shirts. Now, I can barely find the energy to dig through my basket of flip flops. I spend what feels like days in front of my closet just staring in. I have no idea how to get dressed anymore, for people, that is. My cats don’t care if I’m wearing a seafoam green t-shirt with olive-colored shorts. They also don’t care if I wear deodorant, or that my shower schedule has dwindled down to three days a week.

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The Missing Peace Virtual Salon - Join Our Storytelling Event on January 2

The Missing Peace Presents

A Virtual Salon

Pandemic Pages: True Stories

Tickets $10

These stories will take you on the authentic human journey that will make you laugh, cry and sigh. Now more than ever, human connection is a necessity. Join our true storytelling event featuring participants from our storytelling circles and workshops. With your favorite beverage in hand, sit back and enjoy memoir from the comfort of your own home. We welcome you to this very special event in the spirit of coming together.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

in your home via Zoom

3:00 PM PDT | Virtual doors open

3:15 PM PDT | Stories begin

Hosted by: Robin Hanson & Hali Morell

Stories by:

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Our Worldwide Salon: Talented Writers Told Heartfelt Stories

Our Worldwide Salon: Talented Writers Told Heartfelt Stories

The Missing Peace held its first virtual salon Corona Courage: Real Life Stories last Saturday. Our true storytellers brought laughter and tears, as they shared memoir pieces developed in our workshops and storytelling circles. Amid this pandemic, there have been some silver linings. The ability to host an online salon with participants across different states and countries allowed us to connect on an deep human level all over the world. Thank you to all of our courageous writers for your incredible work! Below are some of the responses and reflections we heard at the end Saturday’s salon:

courage ~ peace ~ bravery ~ inspired ~ strength ~ loved ~ supported ~ release ~ enlightened ~ hopeful ~ lighter ~ resilience ~ perseverance

“That was awesome. Hearing all of those stories today, shared with such authenticity, was not only fun, but also very therapeutic and healing. I feel connected. Thank you.” - K.K.

“That was an incredible salon - so much depth and talent. Thank you for including me.” - J.M.

“Such a fun event. My guest all say they were truly riveted by the readers and had a great time!” - J.T.

Please join us on Sunday, August 16th from 11:00a-2:00p for our next storytelling circle, or click here for more future events.

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The Missing Peace Virtual Salon - Join Our Storytelling Event on August 8

The Missing Peace Virtual Salon - Join Our Storytelling Event on August 8

The Missing Peace Presents

A Virtual Salon

Corona Courage: Real Life Stories

These stories will take you on the authentic human journey that will make you laugh, cry and sigh. Now more than ever, human connection is a necessity. What better way is there to unite than through shared stories and experiences? Join our true storytelling event featuring participants from our storytelling circles and workshops. Grab coffee, tea, a mimosa, or a chilled glass of white wine, and sit back in your favorite nook of your home. Plus, you don't have to wear pants! Or put deodorant on! Or a bra! Please join us for this very special event in the spirit of coming together.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

in your home via Zoom

1:00 PM PDT | Virtual doors open

1:15 PM PDT | Stories begin

Buy Tickets

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The Missing Peace Summer Sale! Join Our Storytelling Circles & Workshops.

The Missing Peace Summer Sale! Join Our Storytelling Circles & Workshops.

Exciting news! In celebration of Robin's birthday, our 6-session package is on sale! Since we're devoted to sharing the Exciting news! In celebration of Robin's birthday, our 6-session package is on sale! Since we're devoted to sharing the magical transformation of true storytelling, of speaking authentic truth, and of discovering who we truly are, we're keeping our prices low and as accessible to all as possible! With this package, you can attend any of our sessions - either storytelling circles or workshops - for less than $30 each! The sale ends on Monday, July 13, 2020. Click here for dates, details, and to register.

You may also purchase single session passes for a drop-in experience. Click here for more information.

Save the date for our salon - a spoken-word event where you can hear nearly a dozen storytellers read their memoir pieces on Saturday, August 8, 2020. Want to read at our salon? Contact us!

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Our Podcast With Wallflowers In Bloom: Introverts, Storytelling and Being Authentic

Our Podcast With Wallflowers In Bloom: Introverts, Storytelling and Being Authentic

Check out our Wallflowers In Bloom podcast with our own, long-time Missing Peace participant, Erick Woodby, and his Wallflowers In Bloom partner, Jenny Davies. In this podcast we discuss in what ways we are introverts, our love of writing, and getting to the heart of our stories. We also go down memory lane and talk about how Hali and Robin met, how The Missing Peace started as a dream and gift we wanted to give to the world, and what “self-discovery through storytelling” means to us.

Click here to listen to our podcast with Wallflowers in Bloom.

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Join Us From Anywhere In The World!

Join Us From Anywhere In The World!

The Missing Peace workshops are online!

Everyone has a story, and all stories are important. And we want to hear yours! In our workshop, we guide with prompts, experience, and warmth. You’ll feel embraced and heard in our circle. Our unique offering includes Council circle, memoir writing, and more to get to the heart of your story.

Check out this link for more details and to register. We have two online workshops starting this Sunday, May 3 and then Sunday, May 17. Anyone can attend - no experience is necessary. All you have to do is show up.

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The Missing Peace Workshop Goes Online! Join Us April 5th!

The Missing Peace Workshop Goes Online! Join Us April 5th!

Join us on Sunday, April 5, 2020 from 11:00a - 2:00p PST for The Missing Peace workshop. Connect, write and speak from the heart from the comfort of your home! Hali and Robin’s popular workshop will now be available via Zoom. All you have to do is logon with a pen and notebook in hand. We also recommend a candle, matches, and a talisman to hold in your hand during Council circle. Join us for three hours of inspiration, community and personal storytelling. To register and for more information, click here.

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Balance & Peace Retreat - Treat Yourself On October 13!

Here is what people are saying about our one-day escape in the tranquil Santa Monica Mountains:

"I loved every minute of the Balance & Peace Retreat. The yoga/aromatherapy was both relaxing and rejuvenating, and the writing and storytelling were empowering on so many levels. It’s a beautiful day in a serene environment, which draws a welcoming and intimate group." - Christina Madrid

"Attending this retreat is a must! Don't miss it!! This is a special treat for yourself! The environment is beautiful, and the program is planned with great care, thought and love. Alison Burmeister is an exceptional yoga instructor. Hali and Robin provide an amazing, safe space for writers to explore their personal story. If you've never written before, or it's been awhile, no worries, you are in great hands with these ladies. And the food provided is so delicious. Hali and Robin put so much love into the programs they run. Trust me. It is time and money very well spent. I really can't say enough good things about their retreats. My only wish is that there were more of them." - Heather McGonigal

Balance & Peace Retreat 2018-page-0.jpg

The Missing Peace Salon - An Evening of Heartfelt Stories

We are still radiating after our salon last Saturday! It was an amazing night of authentic, vibrant stories which connected our bonfire circle, and fed our conversations as we celebrated the human experience. Hali and I were honored to work with eight storytellers in getting to the heart of their narratives, and honing their craft, as well as reading our own "peaces." Here are some of the kind words we heard about our event:

"Thank you for the opportunity to dig deeper into my story." - Lehua

"I've had The Missing Peace glow on all day! Such a special night. You guys rock!" - Mindi

"Thank you for a space filled with love and support. What you have created is very special. I feel so blessed to be a part of it." - Heather

"Thank you for an inviting and inspirational evening of story. The setting was warm and peaceful, and I was filled with a sense of community!" - Susan

"You have created a space for so many to share their heartfelt stories, and supported them in crafting them so artfully and meaningfully. The stories were just...WOW." - Melissa

Check back for our next salon date. In the meantime, sign up to attend one of our workshops or our upcoming retreats. All levels are welcome - no prior experience is necessary.

The Knitting Debacle: When an Armhole Full of Judgment Destroys Your Happy Place

The Knitting Debacle: When an Armhole Full of Judgment Destroys Your Happy Place

“Okay, look at me. Stop what you’re doing and look at me. In order to knit this armhole, we have to figure out how many stitches we need. So, what’s half of 32?” the calm and gentle knitting instructor with the perfectly toned arms asked. 

“Half of 32? Half of 32. Wait, I know this…hold on…umm…”

Why are you not getting this? What’s wrong with you, you idiot? Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry, Hali. Just…don’t!

Grabbing my haystack of a hairdo (too much sun-not enough conditioner) tightly between newly tanned fingers, I wished I could just rip my whole head off and end it all.

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Always Discreet: Coming Clean at the Botanical Gardens

Always Discreet:   Coming Clean at the Botanical Gardens

So, there’s this commercial for something called Always Discreet Boutique…Maximum Protection…Made Beautiful. You may have seen it. They’re special panties for women who “leak”.

As my husband and I were muting it, I asked him, “Is this a thing? I mean, these women look my age! Am I now supposed to worry about leaking on top of every other weird aging thing that’s happening?”

“I don’t know, sweetie.” He responded.

It was a mere week later when I realized that, yes, this could be a thing.

Having driven down to Carlsbad for a visit with my husband’s Aunt and cousins, I had just sucked back my iced venti soy chai. It was a lovely day, clear, warm, perfect for a walk through the San Diego Botanic Gardens. A time to catch up with family and stroll through thirty-seven acres of 4,000 different plant species. But I really had to pee. I hadn’t felt that type of pressure on my bladder since I stood in line waiting for the single bathroom at a frat house in college. I wasn’t too worried, though. I mean, we’ll walk, we’ll hit a restroom, it’s fine.

Five minutes into the Bamboo Garden, I felt a drip. Wait, what? No. Oh no! I desperately looked for a place to sit down, you know, to possibly stop the pee in its tracks, but the only thing available was a bamboo bench that was for display purposes only. And then there was another drip. I did that whole crossing your legs thing but then, it was happening. Oh my god. This is not happening. Is this happening? Fuck!

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